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Magzter Gold 1 Year Subscription - Flat 50% Off
Magzter Gold 2 Year Subscription - Flat 57% Off
Magzter Gold 3 Year Subscription - Flat 60% Off
Best Magzter Coupon, Offer, and Promo Code for December 2024
Magzter Coupon Code |
Magzter Offer Details |
Validity |
Magzter 1-year subscription | Get flat up to 50% off | December 2024 |
Magzter 2-year subscription | Get flat up to 57% off | December 2024 |
Magzter 3-year subscription | Get flat up to 60% off | December 2024 |
Save With CouponBunnie at Magzter Using Magzter Coupon
If you're looking for Magzter coupon codes to save on your stack, we at couponBunnie have got you covered. Find the latest coupon codes to save on your stack offering up to10%- 55% discount and more. This CouponBunnie page helps in getting the best Magzter offers.
About Magzter
Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers from 5,000+ publishers. Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan founded Magzter in 2011. The Company is headquartered in New York.
History of Magzter
Girish Ramdas, the company's CEO, and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan, the company's President, founded Magzter in 2011. In 2010, Radhakrishnan began the development of a platform to digitally publish magazines and provide access to consumers to the magazine store's app launch in mid-2011. In 2012, Magzter completed its Series A funding round. In September 2012, Magzter has listed The Highest Grossing App in Asia on the Apple Store.
Services provided by Magzter are
Magzter offers the world's largest “All-You-Can-Read” subscription service called Magzter GOLD which gives digital readers unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines and newspapers for a monthly subscription price
Return policy
If you are unhappy with our product or offerings, you can write to us at help@magzter.com within 7 days of your subscription start date and we'll be happy to offer you a full refund.
How to Use Magzter Coupon Code?
You can use Magzter coupon codes in 2 ways.
- Coupon code: Copy coupon codes from the CouponBunnie website and applied to the merchant website.
- Deal: Just click on the get deal button and it redirects you to the merchant website and continues shopping as usual. Deals are automatically applied to your transaction.
Follow the steps below:
- Open the couponBunnie.com website and visit the Magzte offers and deals page.
- Choose the offer where you get the most discount and reveal its coupon code by clicking on ‘Reveal Coupon Code’.
- After clicking on the coupon code. A pop-up opens where you find the coupon code. Just Magztery copy the coupon code
- Visit the merchant website from CouponBunnie Magzter Page Link and add the product to your cart.
- Proceed to the payment page, look for the promotional area, and apply the coupon code which you get from our website
- Your discount will be instantly applied.
- Now, Magzter will pay the new discounted price using one of Magzter's accepted payment methods and save big on your product
Helpful information about Magzter Coupon Codes
- How many discount codes are currently available for Magzter?
There are 3+Magzter discount codes available right now.
- Are there any first-order discounts at Magzter?
Yes, Magzter offers coupons for new customers.
- Does Magzter offer coupons for existing customers?
Yes, Magzter offers coupons for existing customers.
- Are there coupons to help me save at similar shops?
Yes! Other similar shops are FB reader, amazon kindle and etc